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Fall Comumunication
Thursday September 26

 Columbus Lodge # 11

Alburgh, VT 

Dinner: 6PM, Meeting 7PM 



Tri-State Lodge of Research Day of Light

Saturday August 10th at 1PM

King Solomon's Temple Lodge in Bellows Falls VT

Presentations at 1PM and Dinner at 5PM

Open to members of the Northern New England Masonic Lodges

Dinner will Cost $25 - Please RSVP via danielnye9@gmail.com


Fall and Winter Communications


At our 2023 Annual Communication our members voted to hold our Fall Communications in Northern Vermont Blue Lodges while our Winter Communication will be held in a Southern Vermont Blue Lodge. This was done so that our many of our members, who live in Southern Vermont can attend our communciations  





Grand Lodge of Vermont

George Washington Masonic Memorial

Vermont York Rite

Vermont Scottish Rite 



What is Freemasonry?

Many people have heard the words “Free Masons” or “Freemasonry” through Main Stream Media, Websites, and Social Media but what exactly do those words mean?

Masonic Symbol

                Simply put, the Free Masons are a fraternal organization that encourages it’s members to be the best that they can be.  They achieve this by providing a structure of morality that helps each man understand and apply them in everyday light.  They also teach tolerance of all religions, provides a network of friends that span the globe, and encourages each man, whether they are at the highest point in their lives or at the lowest.

                The Freemasons have phrases such as “2 Be 1, Ask 1” which means to become a mason, you ask one, and “Freemasonry is a peculiar system of morality, veiled in allegory, illustrated by symbols”.

                The Freemasons are not a religion or secret society.  They do not control world events, or have a hoard of treasure stashed somewhere.  They also don’t require their candidates to take blood oaths.  They are a worldwide group looking to better themselves and the world.

                If you are interested in masonry, they encourage visitors to click on the link to the Grand Lodge of Vermont Website.

  WM: Thomas Johnston IV
SW: George Deblon
JW: William Bickham
Sec: Daniel Nye
Treas: Stephen Engel
SD: John Tester
JD: Robert Bach
Contact us:
Email: daniel.nye.852@gmail.com

Phone (via Grand Lodge of VT)
(802) 223-1883

Edward J. Wilblood Jr. Vermont Lodge of Research
998 South Main Street #151
Stowe VT 05672




2024 Edward J. Wildblood Jr. Vermont Lodge of Research #110 F & AM