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Fall Comumunication
Thursday October 3

 Columbus Lodge # 11

Alburgh, VT 

Dinner: 6PM, Meeting 7PM 

Due to the District Meetings it was determined to hold the fall communication on October 3rd.



Fall and Winter Communications


At our 2023 Annual Communication our members voted to hold our Fall Communications in Northern Vermont Blue Lodges while our Winter Communication will be held in a Southern Vermont Blue Lodge. This was done so that our many of our members, who live in Southern Vermont can attend our communciations  





Grand Lodge of Vermont

George Washington Masonic Memorial

Vermont York Rite

Vermont Scottish Rite 



About the Vermont Lodge of Research


        The Grand Historian Eric Ginette first proposed the idea of a Lodge of Research for Vermont in the Fall of 1994, during district meetings. However, despite some interest it was not until April 22, 1998, that a meeting was held to form the Vermont Lodge of Research, within the Offices of the Grand Lodge of Vermont. With Bro. James Goss, Esq as our first Worshipful Master, he along with 12 brothers crafted a memo containing a draft for the lodge bylaws.

      A petition was submitted to the Grand Lodge of Vermont, along with the proposed bylaws. On August 14, 1998, the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Vermont Edward J. Wildblood Jr. granted the dispensation to form and operate the Vermont Lodge of Research #110. The purpose of the Lodge of Research was to study the History, Philosophy, and Purposes of Freemasonry. The bylaws were approved by the Trustees of the Grand Lodge of Vermont on August 28th of that year.

      We held our first formal meeting on September 8, 1998. It was held at Granite Lodge #35 in Barre Vermont, in which, not only were the bylaws voted and accepted, but several papers were presented and discussed.




         Since that time, the lodge met for our Annual Communication at the Rutland Masonic Center in Rutland Vermont with a Winter Meeting in a Northern Vermont Lodge and a Fall Meeting in a Southern Vermont Lodge. At our Annual Communication in April 2023, it was decided to instead meet at a Northern Vermont Lodge in Fall and a Southern Vermont Lodge in the Winter, in order to make it easier for our members to travel.  

        The members of the Vermont Lodge of Research are primarily interested in pursuing their own Masonic interests. Accordingly, not all papers are of a scholarly character, nor are they intended to be. Rather, they are a way of educating the members of the Lodge and the Craft at large about Masonry in a fashion which is accessible and enjoyable.

       Our lodge is open for membership to any Masonic Lodge the Grand Lodge of Vermont recognizes as a regular lodge. We welcome any regular masons, who happen to be in Vermont to attend our communications as both our members, and the host lodge, typically have presentations that are both interesting and enjoyable.

       If you are interested in our lodge, we invite you to ready our history. If you are interested in more about masonry, please visit our Grand Lodge's Join Masonry Website.    



Lodge Bylaws

Content goes here

  WM: Thomas Johnston IV
SW: George Deblon
JW: William Bickham
Sec: Daniel Nye
Treas: Stephen Engel
SD: John Tester
JD: Robert Bach
Contact us:
Email: daniel.nye.852@gmail.com

Phone (via Grand Lodge of VT)
(802) 223-1883

Edward J. Wilblood Jr. Vermont Lodge of Research
998 South Main Street #151
Stowe VT 05672




2024 Edward J. Wildblood Jr. Vermont Lodge of Research #110 F & AM