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Fall Comumunication
Wednesday February 26

 St. Paul's Lodge #25

Brandon, VT 

Dinner: 6PM, Meeting 7PM 



Annual Communication

Our 2025 Annual Communication will take place on Wednesday April 23rd at the Rutland Masonic Center in Rutland VT. We are looking for brothers to step up as officers for our lodge.  


Fall and Winter Communications


At our 2023 Annual Communication our members voted to hold our Fall Communications in Northern Vermont Blue Lodges while our Winter Communication will be held in a Southern Vermont Blue Lodge. This was done so that our many of our members, who live in Southern Vermont can attend our communciations  





Grand Lodge of Vermont

George Washington Masonic Memorial

Vermont York Rite

Vermont Scottish Rite 



Welcome to the Vermont Lodge of Research

     Welcome to the Grand Lodge of Vermont's only Lodge of Research. Chartered in 1999 this lodge of research is dedicated to the education both Masonic and Non-Masonic.


     We meet three times a year to conduct business and allow brethren to present on masonic or non-masonic topics (so long as it conforms to our tenets). It is an excellent way to both meet new brethren, see the various Vermont Blue Lodges, and receive presentations on interesting masonic topics.

Any Freemason whose blue lodge is recognized by the Grand Lodge of Vermont is invited to attend our communications.

The Vermont Research Lodge meets three times a year:

  • February -  A Southern Vermont Lodge

  •  April - Our Annual Meeting at Rutland Masonic Center in Rutland Vermont

  • September - A Northernern Vermont Lodge 

New Website

      At our Annual Communcation the lodge voted to renovate our website. The old website was still based on the original created by Bro. Mason Pratt back in 2010. While the old site was updated, it was still old fashioned and based on the website practices of its time.

Old Site


      Please check out our new website and let us know what you think of it.

  WM: Thomas Johnston IV
SW: George Deblon
JW: William Bickham
Sec: Daniel Nye
Treas: Stephen Engel
SD: John Tester
JD: Robert Bach
Contact us:
Email: daniel.nye.852@gmail.com

Phone (via Grand Lodge of VT)
(802) 223-1883

Edward J. Wilblood Jr. Vermont Lodge of Research
998 South Main Street #151
Stowe VT 05672




2024 Edward J. Wildblood Jr. Vermont Lodge of Research #110 F & AM